Confessing Our Sins

by Pastor Joe Grimaldi

Psalm 93 and Psalms 51:2 Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

1. Conviction

2. Come humbly

3. Confess; do not make excuse

4. Care for any restitution or apologies (private or personal)

5. Chart a new course to avoid future failure

6. Consider it FINISHED

7. Celebrate

Companions (Friendship)

by Pastor Joe Grimaldi

John 15:9-14

1. Friendship is the Mortar that binds all relationships together

2. Friendship is laying down your life, not dying

3. Friendship is given, not exchanged

4. Your greatest human friend should be your spouse

5. Friendship is available to anyone

6. Don’t make the wrong friends

How to be a Champion

By Pastor Joe Grimaldi

II Sam. 21:15-22

1. If you defeat your Giant while you’re young you will be King.(Great influence, Great Joy)

2. If the Giant defeats you, you will be a shepherd forever.(little influence, little joy)

3. Pick up more than one stone.

4. Avoiding one Giant will lead to another

5. Associate closely with other Giant slayers

6. Don’t get sidetracked fighting your brothers when there are Giants out there.