I hit a wall at the age of 26 that forced me to make a decision. Having been exposed to alcohol at the age of 9 and living my young life involved in drugs, alcohol, and gangs, I found myself sitting in a Baptist Pastor’s office. I thought I was “turning over a new leaf” but came to the knowledge that I was miserable because of sin. With an open King James Bible, I saw exactly where I was heading. 

I knew without a shadow of a doubt I was on my way to Hell. I also learned about an amazing gift that day and the Savior who paid my price. I sat on the front edge of that seat in his office and asked if I could pray and ask Jesus to save me. I walked out of that office a saved sinner! It was a Fathers Day, June 15th 2008 when I became a child of The Father! I got baptized shortly after and began learning and serving.  

​The Lord called me to preach a year later. I have been an usher, teacher, song leader, bus director, and continue to serve wherever and however I can. I was ordained as a Local Church Evangelist in December of 2013. I now travel the country helping church plants, preaching revivals, camps, doing pulpit fills, and anywhere else the Lord allows. We have seen many saved and added to local churches all over.

The Lord allowed us to establish The Bible Truth Radio in 2012. We reach thousands of listeners all over the world with God honoring music, preaching, and teaching. God is so good to us. I still can’t get over that He saved a wicked old sinner like me!
— Brother Phil